Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Session XII, Day 5

We are here.  It is our last day of assignments.  Before we get to work, I want to thank all of you for your participation (whether it was 2 weeks or all 12) and I pray that you learned something about the the wonderful God we serve, and His callings for our lives.

Because this is online, I really have no way to gauge how many of you participated, and if this Bible study option is of enough benefit to justify the time that went into it.  If you have a moment please email me at  Your response could be at short as "I participated." or it could include your personal throughts and preferences.  All feedback will be valued!

....but before you get to that, let's complete our last assignment.  Once you finish, you will know all there is to know about 1 Peter, right?  ;)   Well maybe not, but if we have done our job you should know ALOT more than you did when you first logged on in September!

1.  Review the following verses.  They are all the notes on suffering found in 1 Peter.

2.  What have you learned from Peter that should enable you to faithfully endure future trials?

See you back in January!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Session XII, Day 4


When completing yesterday's assignment, you probably noticed the theme of love all through the letter of 1 Peter.  Love was so important to Peter that one of his last appeals was to ask we "Greet one another with a kiss of love." 1 Peter 5:14

1.  If you didn't pick out the theme of love in yesterday's assignment, go back through 1 Peter now and make note of each time love is mentioned.
Ponder This...
2.  How does the love we are called to have respond to people who are experiencing severe trials?  

Monday, December 7, 2009

Session XII, Day 3

Brrrr...  How was your very cold weekend?

The last few days of assignments we will be focusing on find the consistencies and callings running through 1 Peter.  We have spent weeks picking this book apart, sometimes word by word.  The hope is that now our detail work will help us to see and better understand the overall themes Peter was trying to convey to his readers.

1.  Look over your Instruction Sheets (or back through the letter).  What instruction(s) occur repeatedly?  

Friday, December 4, 2009

Session XII, Day 2

1.  Complete your Instruction Charts (C-1, C-2)
*Notice that there are specific instructions to Elders and Young Men that can be listed on page C-2.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Session XII, Day 1

We begin our last week of class today.  You've made it!  Can you believe it is time to start chapter 5 and wrap up 1 Peter?  Get out your good pen, and enjoy marking up the text this one last time.  Well the last time for this class anyway.  I hope you have found this study method useful, and that after this class you are comfortable enough to incorporate it in your own personal Bible study.  I have found that marking often helps "declutter" some verses that at first, or second, or third read through I cannot seem to grasp.

1.  Read Chapter 5.
2.  Mark all references to God, Jesus Christ and the Devil.
3.  Jot down what you learned about each in the key word column of your text.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Session XI, Day 5

Yesterday, as you looked more closely at how the word judgement is used in 1 Peter 4 we didn't look at 1 Peter 4:6.   That verse will be the focus of today's assignment and our wrap up of chapter 4.

1. Read 1 Peter 4:6.
2. On a piece of paper make three columns.  In the 1st column write the above verse.  In the 2nd column re-write the above verse in your own words.  In the 3rd column briefly write down a personal application of this verse for your life today.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Session XI, Day 4

Happy December!

As you read through 1 Peter 4 yesterday and were refreshed on what we have been studying, you were asked to mark all references to judgement.  As we research  judgment in the N.T. it doesn’t take long to realize that the word is used in many different ways.  Today we are going to focus on how Peter uses the term in 4:17.

1.  Read 1 Peter 4:12-19
2.  Given the context, what do you think Peter means by, "it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God?"  What do you think judgment means here? 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Session XI, Day 3

Welcome back!  I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was a good one.  Today many of us find ourselves transitioning back into "real" life and all of it's routines after the break.  I know this is often a slow process for me, so with that in mind we will ease back into our study with something very familiar ...marking!  

1.  Read chapter 4.
2.  Mark all references to judge/judgment – use Marking Key symbols.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Session XI, Day 2

When I was younger I remember being discouraged when the topic of God given talents was discussed.  I often wondered what I could do serve God.  I didn't have a good voice, I was painfully shy, I wasn't a good writer, I wasn't a good artist, and so on and so on...  Looking back, maybe being unable to see my "gifts" was just the result of being in the middle of those painfully awkward, self defining years, but more than likely it was because I was thinking about God's gifts with a limited view.  I failed to recognize the power of gifts such as being a good listener, being open, being empathetic, being sincere, being available, being willing to serve, etc...  So as you ponder today's question over the next week, be encouraged not discouraged.  You have more to offer than even you realize!

1.   Slowly and prayerfully, read 4:7-11.  Think of ways you could faithfully administer God’s grace with your God-given gifts.
2.  Now do it.   :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Session XI, Day 1

Next week is Thanksgiving!  To accommodate the preparations and travel that often accompany this special time of year, we will not have any daily assignments all of next week.  (11/23 - 11/27)  Please make a mental note or if you are like me and more and more of your mental notes keep going missing, jot down somewhere that we will resume our assignments on November 30th.

Now back to today...

1.  Read Chapter 4 Again
2.  In I Peter 4:15 – Along with the sins of a criminal nature – such as a murder or theft – there is a “surprise” sin.  What is it?  
3.  Why do you think Peter linked it with what we would call the “more serious” sins?*

*share, share, share on the discussion board!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Session X, Day 5

I'm sure you have noticed that Peter keeps coming back to suffering in his writing.  When I read 4:12 I get the sense that his readers needed encouragement for the current persecution they were suffering.  That being said, we can still find comfort and guidance in these words today as applied to our own lives.  Keep this in mind as we do today's assignment.  We are not simply filling in the blanks on our handouts.  We are learning how to live as God has called us, and being reminded to rejoice even though His path may seem difficult so that we "may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed." 4:13

1.  Refer back to 4:12-19.*  Think on this... Do you feel you suffer as a Christian?  Given what we’ve learned about suffering from Peter to this point, would you say some of our individual trials are sent by God to strengthen our faith?  Are there other reasons?  

2.  Write down what you learned about suffering in chapter 4 under "Notes on Suffering" at the end of the chapter. 

*You may have questions regarding I Peter 4:18.  Notice the cross-reference for this passage:  Proverbs 11:30-31.  John Stott’s commentary comments are below.  You may find reading through them very helpful.
Peter is not questioning the security of the salvation kept for us (see also 1:15).  The word for hard means ‘with difficulty’.  It does not imply uncertainty of the outcome, but the difficulty of the road that leads to it.  God’s purging of His people is not a process that takes place after death, nor is it punishment that atones for sin.  Rather, His purging is the discipline of suffering and trials by which the faith of His people is purified as gold in the furnace (2:21-23).  

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Session X, Day 4

Are you feeling thoughtful and introspective today?  I hope so!  Today's assignment consists of two questions for you to think on.  As always if you have any insights you'd like to share, please post them on the discussion board.

1.  In 4:7, Peter reminds his readers that they are to be clear minded and self-controlled.  Think about times when you did not practice self-control.  What is usually the first indication that we are not in control of ourselves?
2.  According to 4:7 it appears that clear mindedness and self-control are pre-requisites to prayer.  Why do you think this is so?
**You may recall that in 1 Peter 3:7 husbands are told to be considerate … with … wives so that nothing will hinder their prayers.  Just another "calling" to remind you of as you contemplate question #2.**

Monday, November 16, 2009

Session X, Day 3

I apologize in advance, but I'm not feeling very well so this is going to be short and to the point.  I hope you have a great start to your week.  If you logged in today then you are already beginning it on the right foundation!

In 3:18-4:6 underline phrases that include the body, earthly, human, etc. List what you learn from these verses in the Key Word column under The body.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Session X, Day 2

Today we are filling in the chapter 4 section of our Commands/Instructions worksheet.  You may recall that we did something a bit different for the commands found in chapter 3.  This means you will not have anything written  for chapter 3 on your worksheet.  If you are anything like me this might bother you, so feel free to go back and fill in what you remember from chapter 3 as well as doing today's assignment.  

I just thought I would give you my permission in case you were holding out for it.  ;)

1.  Add any general instructions and warnings you found when reading through 1 Peter 4 to the Commands/Instructions worksheet (C-1)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Session X, Day 1

Hip Hip Hooray!  We start a new chapter today!   You will see the theme of suffering continuing to run throughout this chapter, as well as a few new "callings" that we haven't yet addressed.  Read slowly and see if anything else jumps out at you.

1.  Read chapter 4.
2.  Refer to the Marking Key, and mark all references to God, Jesus Christ and the Recipients in chapter 4.
3. Under the Key Words/Concepts (Text, pg 9-10), make notations of what you learn about each of the above.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Session IX, Day 5

In today's focused reading you will see an interesting link being made between the flood and baptism.  This short passage is by no means a complete explanation of baptism.  It is, however, worthwhile to look closely and try and determine what Peter is saying here.

1.  Read 3:20b – 22
2.  Login to the discussion board and answer the question under the heading "Flood."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Session IX, Day 4

I'm sure 1 Peter 3:18-20 jumped out at you as your read through the chapter.  I know in my margins I have written "verse 19???."  Bible scholars have posed several different interpretations of this passage and if you have time I would encourage you to look into them.  For the time being, we are going to look only at 1 Peter to see what we can discover about those verses.  

Before starting I want to mention that there is a typo in your text.  If you look up verse 18 in the NIV you will notice that where it says, "but made alive by the Spirit" the word Spirit is capitalized.  It is also interesting to note that if you read the same verse in the NASB you will find it says "but made alive in the spirit" and the word spirit is lowercase there.  As if these verses weren't confusing enough right?  :)

1.  Read 1 Peter 3:18-20.
    - WHO did the preaching?
    - WHERE did he go?
    - TO WHOM did he preach?  HOW did Peter describe them?
    - WHEN was the preaching done?  (There may be more than one possibility)
    - WHAT was preached?

2. Read 1 Peter 4:5-6 and compare the similarities and differences in the two passages.
    - WHO is "they" in verse 5?
    - WHAT was preached?
    - TO WHOM was it preached?
    - WHEN?  (before or after they died?)
    - WHY was it preached?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Session IX, Day 3

This past weekend you were asked to think on a question about suffering.  Use what was revealed to you and what Peter says in chapter 3 to complete today's assignment.

Complete Notes on Suffering at end of chapter 3.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Session IX, Day 2

Welcome to Friday!  I hope thinking through today's assignment will prepare you to offer support, encouraging words, and hope to others you know who may experience suffering.  Recalling what you discover may even do the same for yourself during times of trial.

1.  Review 1 Peter 3:17-22
2.  Think through the following question over the weekend.*  
Have you ever experienced a time of extreme suffering or sorrow and, at the same time, experienced the very real comfort that only God's presence and promises can bring?  How would you give an answer to anyone who might ask how you you survived?

*In our continued quest to 'be prepared', you may find it useful to write your thoughts down so you can refer to them if needed at a future date.  

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Session IX, Day 1

Read 1 Peter 3:15
On your own paper*, and in your own words, write out a reason for the hope that you have.

*I would recommend using an index card or something similarly sized, and tucking your written response in your Bible.  You never know when you will have the opportunity to share your faith.  This is an excellent time to do as God has called and prepare ourselves for that moment.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Session VIII, Day 5

Today there is no "official" assignment.  We have studied submission so much the past couple of weeks that you are probably sick of reading the word.  :)  Tomorrow we move onto a different topic, but before we do I would like for you to think on the following question.
"How do we train our daughters to be submissive to their future spouse, and how do train our sons to be spiritual leaders of their future families?"

For those of you who already have grown children, this question may not seem pertinent to you.  I can promise that if you have any wisdom on this topic to share with the younger mothers that they would love to read it on the discussion board!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Session VIII, Day 4

Today is another review of the chapters we have read, but we are going to try something a bit different.  After you find Peter's warnings take a moment and post ONE of those on the discussion board with an explanation (if you have one) of why it stood out to you.  

Let's work together and see how many we can find!  


1.   Review chapters 1-3, and note Peter’s warnings – some specific, some implied.
 2.   Post ONE warning on the discussion board, under the discussion topic heading "Warnings"

Monday, November 2, 2009

Session VIII, Day 3

This is a portion of what one of our onliners posted last week on the discussion board...
"My attention keeps coming back to the related phrase, 'so that'. Wives 
are to be submissive 'so that' their husbands will be won over."
She goes on to list several scriptures in 1 Peter where the phrase 'so that' occurs.  I have left these out because I would like you to mark them for yourselves today.  Of course if you need a little help you can always peruse the discussion board to try and find the post I am referring to.  :)

  1. Quickly review all of 1 Peter. 
  2. Refer to your marking key and mark all the instances of 'so that' you run across.
  3. Take some time to look back over what you have marked and see if any new correlations jump out at you.   
This is what our onliner discovered...

"All these uses of 'so that' or something similar seem to me to describe lives lived on behalf of others rather than for self, just as Christ did in his own life and death.  Maybe seeing the submission command to wives in this broader context helps to take the sting out of what seems like a harsh requirement on its own." 

Friday, October 30, 2009

Session VIII, Day 2

Last week we looked at 1 Peter's instructions to wives.  After studying deeper and reading Ephesians 5, Colossians 3 and 1 Peter 2:13 we know that we are to submit to our husbands out of fear/reverence for the Lord.  But Peter did not stop there.  He goes on to address husbands on how they should act towards their wives.  We will be looking at that today.

  1. 3:7Husbands, in the same way …  To what same way is Peter referring?
  2. Add instructions under Husbands on the Instruction chart.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Session VIII, Day 1

We are starting our 8th week of study!  Can you believe it?  I can't... except when it comes time to write these intros.  I'm starting to think I might be scraping the bottom of my "clever" barrel.  *yikes* 
Read chapter 3 again.  You may have hesitated as you read :5-6.  Run the cross references for those verses and use the space below to explore possible implications.  If you feel like you discovered anything that could help the rest of us please let us know on the discussion board.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Session VII, Day 5

There has been a wonderful conversation going on our discussion board in response to the question, "To what same way is Peter referring to in 3:1."  This dialogue may have already prodded you to dig further into scripture on the topic of submission, but in case you need a little guidance here are two more passages worth reading.  

1.  Read Ephesians 5:21-6:9 and Colossians 3:15-4:1.
2.  Now answer the following question...
Is Peter’s advice applicable to the husband/wife relationship in our current culture?
3.  Think on how these principles could/should play out in a married couple’s life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Session VII, Day 4

Just in case the topic of submission didn't give you enough to think about and evaluate in your own lives, today we are talking about beauty.  :)

When I read this passage, it feels like I have a flashing sign in my mind saying, "Counter Culture, Counter Culture, Counter Culture."  What does your sign say?  (This is a rhetorical question of course.  I don't expect many of you have neon signs in your heads like I do.)

1.  Consider your priorities and the way you spend your time.  Are there any clues that indicate you are focusing more on the outward rather than the inner beauty as Peter advised?   

2.  Find a spot in the margins of your Text to list some of the attributes/attitudes of a holy (and beautiful) woman (:2-6).

You are encouraged to spend time in reflection and prayer as you consider this question and what a holy women is called to be. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Session VII, Day 3

In the very beginning of this study we were asked to read through 1 Peter entirely and write any questions we had in the margin.  Today we are looking into a question that I had that very first week.  I can't wait to read your findings.  Let's get started!

1.  Read 1 Peter 3:1 - Wives, in the same way.  To what same way is Peter referring?  Let us know your thoughts on the discussion board under "Same Way"!
2.  Add Peter's instructions in the appropriate spaces under Specific Instructions to Wives on your Instruction chart.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Session VII, Day 2


We have already looked at the importance of submitting to authority and slaves submitting to their masters.  Today's study on submission hits a lot closer to home.  Read on to learn how wives are called to be submissive to their husbands.  Verses 1-6 should definitely give you plenty to ponder over the beautiful weekend God has given us!
  1. Answer the who and to whom questions under Submission in the Key Word column (Text- 6, 7, & 8).
  2. Check the discussion board!  A new question by one of our "onliners" has been posted and is in need of answering.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Session VII, Day 1

Today we begin our closer look at chapter 3.  I have been eagerly awaiting studying this chapter because when reading through it I was struck with how "counter culture" the verses call us to be.  As we read through 1 Peter 3 I think you will again see that Peter is calling us to live as strangers in this world.    

  1.  Read chapter 3 AND mark the key words as in the previous chapters (God, Jesus Christ, Recipients, Salvation).  Write any questions you have in the left margin space.
  2. Complete notes under the remaining Key Words column  (Text – 7 & 8).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Session VI, Day 5

Think back over everything we have read, discussed and learned about suffering this past week.  Fill in the Notes on Suffering section in the space provided at the end of chapter 2 (Text-6).

You have now completed CHAPTER 2!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Session VI, Day 4

We are going to do something a little bit different today.  I realize we have been asking you to do several things that you may or may not have done before in a Bible study, but our belief is that if you continue the process, God will bless your efforts.

Do I have you worried now?  :)
Read on...if you dare...


  1. Get out your paper titled "Unjust Suffering."
  2. In the space remaining, write God a “note of thanks” thanking Him for how He has provided for your future.  Need some direction?  Think back over the assurances and promises we have already read in 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2.
  3. We encourage you to incorporate what you have written in a prayer, as you close today's study.  

Monday, October 19, 2009

Session VI, Day 3

Welcome back to the blog this lovely Monday!  Over the weekend, we have had several people offer their thoughts on last Friday's discussion question.  Questions have been answered, and more questions have been posed through the study and pondering of scripture.  Read them!  The insights left, helped me to think about what God says about suffering more exhaustively.

  1. Get out the sheet of paper you titled "Unjust Suffering" last week.  Use it to write your thoughts to the following questions.
  2. Have you observed or experienced unjust suffering?  What forms did it take?
  3. Read 1:3-6 again.  How could the gifts/promises in those verses help us to endure most kinds of suffering?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Session VI, Day 2

Hello...  Is anybody out there?  It's been a long time since I've heard from you!  Jump in on the discussion, share your thoughts and at the same time provide me some comfort that I'm not just talking to myself.  :)

Read 1 Peter 2:18-23 and go to our discussion board.  (Found under "Discuss This" on the right hand side of this page.)  Join in the dialogue found under the heading "Easier to Bear."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Session VI, Day 1

***Please get out a blank sheet of paper to use for this week's assignments.***
Title it "Unjust Suffering"

We are going to explore the idea of "Unjust Suffering" this week and you will use the above paper to write down your thoughts and discoveries.   
  1. Read chapter 2 again.
  2. In 2:19 Peter uses the term, unjust suffering. Using the verses in immediate context, to what is Peter referring?  Write what you discover on your blank piece of paper.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Session V, Day 5

Peter introduces another concept in 2:13 that will surface often during the remainder of his letter. Can you figure out what it is?

      1.   Mark each reference to submission (refer to Marking Key) in chapter 2.
     2.  Answer the who and to whom, etc. questions under Submission (Text-5).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Session V, Day 4

How many of you were at church on Sunday?  I ask because a portion of 1 Peter chapter one was read. For me, it was incredibly rewarding to stand there and hear the terms Peter uses like new birth, living hope, suffering, etc and understand.  I know (as best I humanly can) what Peter was referring to, the context and through the course of this study have already thought about how I can apply them to my life.  What a blessing!  I share all of this to encourage you to press on with the study and your marking and to listen for God.

Mark references to evil and “forbidden” behaviors (phrases will begin with should not, do not, turn from, keep from, etc.). 

Monday, October 12, 2009

Session V, Day 3

Happy Monday!  I hope today brought with it excitement for the week and an "attention to detail" sort of attitude.  Why?  We are back to marking!  :)


  1. Read 1 Peter 2 and mark Peter’s commands/instructions.
  2. On the chart entitled, I Peter Commands/Instructions, write the instructions that you found in chapter 2.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Session V, Day 2

Today we get back to marking!  Have fun messing up chapter 2 of your text, and seeing what the Word reveals.

  1. Refer back to your marking key and mark God, Jesus Christ, and the recipients in chapter 2.
  2. Make notes on what you learn under the appropriate Key Words columns of the text.  (pg. 4)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Session V, Day 1

Today we begin our fourth week of study, and our first week exploring chapter 2 in depth.

 Read chapter 2.  Write any questions you have about the text in the left margin space.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Session IV, Day 5

It may seem at times that by being asked to do so much marking of individual words or concepts that we are ignoring the larger themes of 1 Peter.  We are certain that if you stick with it, the larger themes will begin to reveal themselves to you, and the detailed tasks you have completed will give you a deeper understanding of those themes.

As we wrap 1 Peter 1 and prepare ourselves to jump into chapter 2 tomorrow, spend today going back and reading through all of 1 Peter in it's entirety.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Session IV, Day 4

Today is a day of reflection as we go back and ponder all that Peter has said in chapter 1 regarding suffering.

At the end of each chapter of the Text, you will see space provided for Notes on Suffering.  Today, use the space at the end of chapter 1 to briefly comment on the suffering described in that chapter.

Check out the discussion board!  We have had some insightful and thought provoking comments posted about the Lord's call for us to be holy.  It will bless you to read through them.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Session IV, Day 3

Today we continue our word study on "truth" by looking at several more scriptures.

Remember in 1 Peter 1:22, Peter tells his reader they have been purified by obeying the truth.  What do you learn about truth – from the scriptures listed below, or from your own resources?

John 8:31-32
John 14:6
Eph. 1:13  

***QUIZ TIME!***

Friday, October 2, 2009

Session IV, Day 2

This Friday we are going to embark on an in depth word study on the term "truth."  We encourage you to not only explore the passages we list below, but also any other references to truth that you may find in your Bible.  We believe this will provide you with the most well rounded, Godly definition for the term.

1 Peter 1:22 – Peter tells his readers they have been purified by obeying the truth
What do you learn about truth – from the scriptures listed below?

Ps. 119:160
John 4:21-24
John 17:17

***QUIZ TIME!***

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Session IV, Day 1

Welcome to our third week of study, and our last week focusing on 1 Peter 1.  I know you may wonder what else is there is possibly to cover in chapter 1 after studying it for two weeks, but hang in there.  Believe it or not, there is still more to be learned!  Your perseverance will pay off as we read about what Peter says regarding salvation, go through an interesting word study on truth, and wrap up what we have learned on suffering.

Remember our study each day is an act of worship.  Calm you mind, quiet your environment, and read closely with intention to see what the Spirit may reveal to you that day.

Read chapter 1 again and mark each reference to salvation (saved, born again, eternal life, etc.).  Make notes on what you learn under Salvation in the Key Words column of the Text (pg. 2).

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Session III, Day 5

Yesterday we had our first word study about sanctifying.  I hope you enjoyed searching the scriptures, and taking the quiz.  The goal was that by examining other times the term sanctifying was used in the Bible, we would gain a more complete definition of that term.  As a result, we hopefully all better understand 1 Peter 1:2 and what it means for our lives as Christian women.

Today we will are going to do a word study together using the discussion board.  We are going to be focusing on 1 Peter 1:15-16 and the term "holy."  Click the link on the right under "Let's Discuss" and look for the discussion thread titled "Be holy, because I am holy" to get started.

***Remember your input is always valued even if it is several days late.  Please do not let being behind discourage you from participating.  Many of us check the discussions for new comments all week.***

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Session III, Day 4

Today we are going to do something a little different.  It is our first word study and quiz!  Do not worry it isn't for a grade.  :) 

In 1 Peter 1:2 you will notice the phrase - the sanctifying work of the Spirit.  Please look up and read the following verses to learn more about what the term sanctify means.  You may also wish to use the cross reference notes and/or concordance from your personal Bible.
I Cor. 6:9-11
I Th. 5:23
II Th. 2:13
I Cor 1:2
***QUIZ TIME!***

Monday, September 28, 2009

Session III, Day 3

On the chart entitled, I Peter Commands/Instructions, write Peter’s instructions to the letter recipients found in chapter 1.  Be brief, because we will be adding to this instruction list throughout our study.

For those onliners who printed their study guide at home, the chart mentioned above was added late to the list of files we originally asked you to print.  If you haven't already, you can access it by clicking the "Click for Documents" link on the right.  The file is titled 1 Peter Commands/Instructions.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Session III, Day 2

It is another marking assignment for today.  In addition, I would like all of you to grab a blank sheet of paper and write "To this I was called..." across the top.  As we continue our study over the next several weeks, please write down any callings that jump out at you.  I think you will appreciate having this sheet of specific instructions to look back over long after the conclusion of this study.

  1. Refer to the Marking Key, and mark all references to suffering (both of Christ and recipients) in chapter 1.
  2. Write down any ways you feel God calls you as you read through chapter 1.  (ex. to love my fellow Christians deeply and from the heart. 1:22)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Session III, Day 1

Welcome back this cool Thursday, as we kick off week TWO of our study of 1 Peter!

Yesterday our assignment was a discussion question and we did not get many responses.  I'm not sure if that was because some of us were too timid to voice our findings, we had technical issues posting a comment or if there really are only two people out there participating in the study.  :)  If there are more of you out there, don't be afraid to jump in even if it is to say, "That is exactly what I learned when I read."  These comments of encouragement are just as important as deep revealing insights because they let those studying at home know that we aren't off track.

All that to say we are back to marking.  :)

Enjoy your time in the Word!
Refer to the Marking Key, and mark Peter’s commands/instructions and also warnings of evil and disobedience in chapter 1.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Session II, Day 5

We are going to do something a bit different today.  Our assignment is a discussion question posted on Google Groups. To access the discussion thread just click the link on the right under the heading "Let's Discuss."  You will be taken to a new webpage where you will see a welcome message with details on how to continue or start a new discussion.  The discussion question for today is found under the heading, "Why Trials?".

To discuss (Click on the "Let's Discuss" link) suffering and the advice God gives to believers who face trials. Jump in and share your thoughts!

Keep in mind...
Peter writes to a people who are on a pilgrimage – travelling through “enemy territory.” We, also, are just passing through – this land is not our home.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Session II, Day 4

Ladies, today is the day that we get to go back and see what our marking has revealed to us or has helped to make more clear. 

Under the Key Words/Concepts (Text, pg 1-2), make notations of what you learn about each of the persons of the God-Head and about the recipients in chapter 1.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Session II, Day 3

You will notice a new link on the sidebar titled "Background Info".  Clicking there will take you to some interesting information about Peter and the world at the time 1 Peter was written.  This will provide some context as you proceed through the rest of the study.

Refer to the Marking Key, and mark all references to the recipients of the letter in chapter 1.
If you have more time, read through the background information provided

Friday, September 18, 2009

Session II, Day 2

Happy Friday! 

I haven't heard from any of you "onliners" about problems accessing and completing yesterday's assignment so I am hopeful that no news is good news.  :) 

Today is the first day of marking up your text.  For some who have never done this before it may seem odd at first, but as the study goes along I am sure you will be amazed at the connections this technique makes apparent.  So grab a pen, your marking key, and get going.

Refer to the Marking Key, and mark all references to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in chapter 1.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Session II, Day 1

You may be wondering what happened to Session I?  If you went to Ladies' Class yesterday to pick up your study guide, then you attended Session I.  For all of the rest of the online takers your Session I assignment is to download and print a study guide, or email to arrange for a packet to be ready for you to pick up this coming Sunday.

  1. Check this blog every weekday for a new post with that day's assignment.  
  2. Our week of assignments will run Thurs, Fri, Mon, Tues, with a discussion question typically on Wednesday.  This will allow our study to run concurrently with Ladies' Class.
  3. We encourage you to start discussions by clicking the link on the right under the heading "Let's Discuss."  Be sure to check the discussion page periodically to see what is being said, and offer any thoughts!
  1. Read through the Introduction Page of the study guide if you haven't already.
  2. Read all of I Peter in one sitting, and as you read, make a note of any questions that come to mind in the left margin of the Text.
We are excited to be kicking off Brentwood's first ever Online Bible Study, and so glad you took that first step and logged in today.  We will see you back tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Background Information for 1 Peter

What do we know about Peter?

  • Mentioned more than any other apostle in gospels
  • Usually named first in any list of apostles
  • First to confess Jesus as Son of God             
  • Lead spokesman for apostles in Acts
  • Denied knowing Christ during His trials
  • Deserted Christ as He was crucified
  • Commissioned by Jesus to “feed my sheep” (John 21)
Who were the recipients of this letter?
God’s elect, scattered strangers, chosen, etc. (I Peter 1:1-2)
The terms Peter used in addressing his audience, were terms generally applied to Jews.  However, it seems likely that his audience was mostly Gentile because of comments in 1:18, 2:10 and 4:3-4:  It is not likely Peter would have used these descriptions of Jews.  How beautiful to hear Peter referring to Gentiles in this way.

What was the political climate at the time of the letter (around 64 AD)?
  • During the “Acts” period, the Roman government allowed Christians to worship without interference. 
  • Nero (emperor 54-68) was generally a respected & decent ruler during early years.  However, around 62 things began to change.
  • During his reign, Christians began to fall out of favor w/Rome because:
1)  Christians refused to affirm that Caesar was Lord (required of Roman subjects in an annual public ritual)
2)  Christians believed in a returning King who would set up a worldwide kingdom
3)  There were rumors of secret rituals observed among the believers in which they ate/drank human flesh & blood. (communion)
4)  These feasts were rumored to turn into orgies – because Christians referred to them as “love feasts.”
  • In 64, Nero was believed to have been responsible for the fire in Rome that destroyed his palace and other buildings.  Needing a scapegoat, Nero blamed Christians.  Thus, the beginning of an era of extreme persecution.

At the time Peter penned his first letter, whether this period of extreme persecution had actually begun, we cannot be sure.  However, through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, Peter wrote to prepare those he loved of the coming trials.

This letter holds much promise for all Christians, regardless of the era. 
And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,
after you have suffered a little while
will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
To Him be the power forever and ever.  Amen
I Peter 5:10-11

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ Women’s Online Bible Study of I Peter will begin Thursday, September 17 and run through December 9. This study will use the same material designed for the Wednesday morning Ladies’ Class which meets at the building. A daily blog posting will be made where reading assignments and questions will be provided.

Online students are invited to attend the introductory Ladies’ Class at 10:00 a.m. in the parlor of the main building on Wednesday, September 16 for an overview of the study and to receive a study guide. Babysitting will be provided.

You are also encouraged to attend “live-and-in-person” Wednesday classes whenever possible since both the on-line and in-class students will be on the same schedule.

Getting Started:
To participate, you will need a study guide (no cost) which will be issued at the first Ladies’ Class and will be available in the library. Contact Megan Drennon at for instructions. You also have the option to download and print the necessary documents from your computer by clicking the link on the sidebar under the heading “Study Guide.”

Let’s Discuss:
We have found that online discussions are one of the most rewarding aspects of this type study. To post a comment, pose a question, or reply to another student’s comments/questions, click the link on the sidebar under the heading, “Let’s Discuss.” This will take you to the Brentwood Women’s Google Groups page where you will see ongoing discussion links posted.

Catching Up:
If you should miss a day and wish to access an earlier assignment look under the sidebar heading “Blog Archive” for a list of all previous posts. Click the title of the assignment you need and it will be opened for you.

Need Help?
Contact us via email at or