Thursday, October 1, 2009

Session IV, Day 1

Welcome to our third week of study, and our last week focusing on 1 Peter 1.  I know you may wonder what else is there is possibly to cover in chapter 1 after studying it for two weeks, but hang in there.  Believe it or not, there is still more to be learned!  Your perseverance will pay off as we read about what Peter says regarding salvation, go through an interesting word study on truth, and wrap up what we have learned on suffering.

Remember our study each day is an act of worship.  Calm you mind, quiet your environment, and read closely with intention to see what the Spirit may reveal to you that day.

Read chapter 1 again and mark each reference to salvation (saved, born again, eternal life, etc.).  Make notes on what you learn under Salvation in the Key Words column of the Text (pg. 2).