Friday, October 30, 2009

Session VIII, Day 2

Last week we looked at 1 Peter's instructions to wives.  After studying deeper and reading Ephesians 5, Colossians 3 and 1 Peter 2:13 we know that we are to submit to our husbands out of fear/reverence for the Lord.  But Peter did not stop there.  He goes on to address husbands on how they should act towards their wives.  We will be looking at that today.

  1. 3:7Husbands, in the same way …  To what same way is Peter referring?
  2. Add instructions under Husbands on the Instruction chart.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Session VIII, Day 1

We are starting our 8th week of study!  Can you believe it?  I can't... except when it comes time to write these intros.  I'm starting to think I might be scraping the bottom of my "clever" barrel.  *yikes* 
Read chapter 3 again.  You may have hesitated as you read :5-6.  Run the cross references for those verses and use the space below to explore possible implications.  If you feel like you discovered anything that could help the rest of us please let us know on the discussion board.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Session VII, Day 5

There has been a wonderful conversation going on our discussion board in response to the question, "To what same way is Peter referring to in 3:1."  This dialogue may have already prodded you to dig further into scripture on the topic of submission, but in case you need a little guidance here are two more passages worth reading.  

1.  Read Ephesians 5:21-6:9 and Colossians 3:15-4:1.
2.  Now answer the following question...
Is Peter’s advice applicable to the husband/wife relationship in our current culture?
3.  Think on how these principles could/should play out in a married couple’s life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Session VII, Day 4

Just in case the topic of submission didn't give you enough to think about and evaluate in your own lives, today we are talking about beauty.  :)

When I read this passage, it feels like I have a flashing sign in my mind saying, "Counter Culture, Counter Culture, Counter Culture."  What does your sign say?  (This is a rhetorical question of course.  I don't expect many of you have neon signs in your heads like I do.)

1.  Consider your priorities and the way you spend your time.  Are there any clues that indicate you are focusing more on the outward rather than the inner beauty as Peter advised?   

2.  Find a spot in the margins of your Text to list some of the attributes/attitudes of a holy (and beautiful) woman (:2-6).

You are encouraged to spend time in reflection and prayer as you consider this question and what a holy women is called to be. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Session VII, Day 3

In the very beginning of this study we were asked to read through 1 Peter entirely and write any questions we had in the margin.  Today we are looking into a question that I had that very first week.  I can't wait to read your findings.  Let's get started!

1.  Read 1 Peter 3:1 - Wives, in the same way.  To what same way is Peter referring?  Let us know your thoughts on the discussion board under "Same Way"!
2.  Add Peter's instructions in the appropriate spaces under Specific Instructions to Wives on your Instruction chart.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Session VII, Day 2


We have already looked at the importance of submitting to authority and slaves submitting to their masters.  Today's study on submission hits a lot closer to home.  Read on to learn how wives are called to be submissive to their husbands.  Verses 1-6 should definitely give you plenty to ponder over the beautiful weekend God has given us!
  1. Answer the who and to whom questions under Submission in the Key Word column (Text- 6, 7, & 8).
  2. Check the discussion board!  A new question by one of our "onliners" has been posted and is in need of answering.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Session VII, Day 1

Today we begin our closer look at chapter 3.  I have been eagerly awaiting studying this chapter because when reading through it I was struck with how "counter culture" the verses call us to be.  As we read through 1 Peter 3 I think you will again see that Peter is calling us to live as strangers in this world.    

  1.  Read chapter 3 AND mark the key words as in the previous chapters (God, Jesus Christ, Recipients, Salvation).  Write any questions you have in the left margin space.
  2. Complete notes under the remaining Key Words column  (Text – 7 & 8).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Session VI, Day 5

Think back over everything we have read, discussed and learned about suffering this past week.  Fill in the Notes on Suffering section in the space provided at the end of chapter 2 (Text-6).

You have now completed CHAPTER 2!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Session VI, Day 4

We are going to do something a little bit different today.  I realize we have been asking you to do several things that you may or may not have done before in a Bible study, but our belief is that if you continue the process, God will bless your efforts.

Do I have you worried now?  :)
Read on...if you dare...


  1. Get out your paper titled "Unjust Suffering."
  2. In the space remaining, write God a “note of thanks” thanking Him for how He has provided for your future.  Need some direction?  Think back over the assurances and promises we have already read in 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2.
  3. We encourage you to incorporate what you have written in a prayer, as you close today's study.  

Monday, October 19, 2009

Session VI, Day 3

Welcome back to the blog this lovely Monday!  Over the weekend, we have had several people offer their thoughts on last Friday's discussion question.  Questions have been answered, and more questions have been posed through the study and pondering of scripture.  Read them!  The insights left, helped me to think about what God says about suffering more exhaustively.

  1. Get out the sheet of paper you titled "Unjust Suffering" last week.  Use it to write your thoughts to the following questions.
  2. Have you observed or experienced unjust suffering?  What forms did it take?
  3. Read 1:3-6 again.  How could the gifts/promises in those verses help us to endure most kinds of suffering?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Session VI, Day 2

Hello...  Is anybody out there?  It's been a long time since I've heard from you!  Jump in on the discussion, share your thoughts and at the same time provide me some comfort that I'm not just talking to myself.  :)

Read 1 Peter 2:18-23 and go to our discussion board.  (Found under "Discuss This" on the right hand side of this page.)  Join in the dialogue found under the heading "Easier to Bear."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Session VI, Day 1

***Please get out a blank sheet of paper to use for this week's assignments.***
Title it "Unjust Suffering"

We are going to explore the idea of "Unjust Suffering" this week and you will use the above paper to write down your thoughts and discoveries.   
  1. Read chapter 2 again.
  2. In 2:19 Peter uses the term, unjust suffering. Using the verses in immediate context, to what is Peter referring?  Write what you discover on your blank piece of paper.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Session V, Day 5

Peter introduces another concept in 2:13 that will surface often during the remainder of his letter. Can you figure out what it is?

      1.   Mark each reference to submission (refer to Marking Key) in chapter 2.
     2.  Answer the who and to whom, etc. questions under Submission (Text-5).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Session V, Day 4

How many of you were at church on Sunday?  I ask because a portion of 1 Peter chapter one was read. For me, it was incredibly rewarding to stand there and hear the terms Peter uses like new birth, living hope, suffering, etc and understand.  I know (as best I humanly can) what Peter was referring to, the context and through the course of this study have already thought about how I can apply them to my life.  What a blessing!  I share all of this to encourage you to press on with the study and your marking and to listen for God.

Mark references to evil and “forbidden” behaviors (phrases will begin with should not, do not, turn from, keep from, etc.). 

Monday, October 12, 2009

Session V, Day 3

Happy Monday!  I hope today brought with it excitement for the week and an "attention to detail" sort of attitude.  Why?  We are back to marking!  :)


  1. Read 1 Peter 2 and mark Peter’s commands/instructions.
  2. On the chart entitled, I Peter Commands/Instructions, write the instructions that you found in chapter 2.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Session V, Day 2

Today we get back to marking!  Have fun messing up chapter 2 of your text, and seeing what the Word reveals.

  1. Refer back to your marking key and mark God, Jesus Christ, and the recipients in chapter 2.
  2. Make notes on what you learn under the appropriate Key Words columns of the text.  (pg. 4)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Session V, Day 1

Today we begin our fourth week of study, and our first week exploring chapter 2 in depth.

 Read chapter 2.  Write any questions you have about the text in the left margin space.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Session IV, Day 5

It may seem at times that by being asked to do so much marking of individual words or concepts that we are ignoring the larger themes of 1 Peter.  We are certain that if you stick with it, the larger themes will begin to reveal themselves to you, and the detailed tasks you have completed will give you a deeper understanding of those themes.

As we wrap 1 Peter 1 and prepare ourselves to jump into chapter 2 tomorrow, spend today going back and reading through all of 1 Peter in it's entirety.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Session IV, Day 4

Today is a day of reflection as we go back and ponder all that Peter has said in chapter 1 regarding suffering.

At the end of each chapter of the Text, you will see space provided for Notes on Suffering.  Today, use the space at the end of chapter 1 to briefly comment on the suffering described in that chapter.

Check out the discussion board!  We have had some insightful and thought provoking comments posted about the Lord's call for us to be holy.  It will bless you to read through them.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Session IV, Day 3

Today we continue our word study on "truth" by looking at several more scriptures.

Remember in 1 Peter 1:22, Peter tells his reader they have been purified by obeying the truth.  What do you learn about truth – from the scriptures listed below, or from your own resources?

John 8:31-32
John 14:6
Eph. 1:13  

***QUIZ TIME!***

Friday, October 2, 2009

Session IV, Day 2

This Friday we are going to embark on an in depth word study on the term "truth."  We encourage you to not only explore the passages we list below, but also any other references to truth that you may find in your Bible.  We believe this will provide you with the most well rounded, Godly definition for the term.

1 Peter 1:22 – Peter tells his readers they have been purified by obeying the truth
What do you learn about truth – from the scriptures listed below?

Ps. 119:160
John 4:21-24
John 17:17

***QUIZ TIME!***

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Session IV, Day 1

Welcome to our third week of study, and our last week focusing on 1 Peter 1.  I know you may wonder what else is there is possibly to cover in chapter 1 after studying it for two weeks, but hang in there.  Believe it or not, there is still more to be learned!  Your perseverance will pay off as we read about what Peter says regarding salvation, go through an interesting word study on truth, and wrap up what we have learned on suffering.

Remember our study each day is an act of worship.  Calm you mind, quiet your environment, and read closely with intention to see what the Spirit may reveal to you that day.

Read chapter 1 again and mark each reference to salvation (saved, born again, eternal life, etc.).  Make notes on what you learn under Salvation in the Key Words column of the Text (pg. 2).