Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Session XII, Day 5

We are here.  It is our last day of assignments.  Before we get to work, I want to thank all of you for your participation (whether it was 2 weeks or all 12) and I pray that you learned something about the the wonderful God we serve, and His callings for our lives.

Because this is online, I really have no way to gauge how many of you participated, and if this Bible study option is of enough benefit to justify the time that went into it.  If you have a moment please email me at  Your response could be at short as "I participated." or it could include your personal throughts and preferences.  All feedback will be valued!

....but before you get to that, let's complete our last assignment.  Once you finish, you will know all there is to know about 1 Peter, right?  ;)   Well maybe not, but if we have done our job you should know ALOT more than you did when you first logged on in September!

1.  Review the following verses.  They are all the notes on suffering found in 1 Peter.

2.  What have you learned from Peter that should enable you to faithfully endure future trials?

See you back in January!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Session XII, Day 4


When completing yesterday's assignment, you probably noticed the theme of love all through the letter of 1 Peter.  Love was so important to Peter that one of his last appeals was to ask we "Greet one another with a kiss of love." 1 Peter 5:14

1.  If you didn't pick out the theme of love in yesterday's assignment, go back through 1 Peter now and make note of each time love is mentioned.
Ponder This...
2.  How does the love we are called to have respond to people who are experiencing severe trials?  

Monday, December 7, 2009

Session XII, Day 3

Brrrr...  How was your very cold weekend?

The last few days of assignments we will be focusing on find the consistencies and callings running through 1 Peter.  We have spent weeks picking this book apart, sometimes word by word.  The hope is that now our detail work will help us to see and better understand the overall themes Peter was trying to convey to his readers.

1.  Look over your Instruction Sheets (or back through the letter).  What instruction(s) occur repeatedly?  

Friday, December 4, 2009

Session XII, Day 2

1.  Complete your Instruction Charts (C-1, C-2)
*Notice that there are specific instructions to Elders and Young Men that can be listed on page C-2.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Session XII, Day 1

We begin our last week of class today.  You've made it!  Can you believe it is time to start chapter 5 and wrap up 1 Peter?  Get out your good pen, and enjoy marking up the text this one last time.  Well the last time for this class anyway.  I hope you have found this study method useful, and that after this class you are comfortable enough to incorporate it in your own personal Bible study.  I have found that marking often helps "declutter" some verses that at first, or second, or third read through I cannot seem to grasp.

1.  Read Chapter 5.
2.  Mark all references to God, Jesus Christ and the Devil.
3.  Jot down what you learned about each in the key word column of your text.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Session XI, Day 5

Yesterday, as you looked more closely at how the word judgement is used in 1 Peter 4 we didn't look at 1 Peter 4:6.   That verse will be the focus of today's assignment and our wrap up of chapter 4.

1. Read 1 Peter 4:6.
2. On a piece of paper make three columns.  In the 1st column write the above verse.  In the 2nd column re-write the above verse in your own words.  In the 3rd column briefly write down a personal application of this verse for your life today.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Session XI, Day 4

Happy December!

As you read through 1 Peter 4 yesterday and were refreshed on what we have been studying, you were asked to mark all references to judgement.  As we research  judgment in the N.T. it doesn’t take long to realize that the word is used in many different ways.  Today we are going to focus on how Peter uses the term in 4:17.

1.  Read 1 Peter 4:12-19
2.  Given the context, what do you think Peter means by, "it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God?"  What do you think judgment means here?