Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Session III, Day 5

Yesterday we had our first word study about sanctifying.  I hope you enjoyed searching the scriptures, and taking the quiz.  The goal was that by examining other times the term sanctifying was used in the Bible, we would gain a more complete definition of that term.  As a result, we hopefully all better understand 1 Peter 1:2 and what it means for our lives as Christian women.

Today we will are going to do a word study together using the discussion board.  We are going to be focusing on 1 Peter 1:15-16 and the term "holy."  Click the link on the right under "Let's Discuss" and look for the discussion thread titled "Be holy, because I am holy" to get started.

***Remember your input is always valued even if it is several days late.  Please do not let being behind discourage you from participating.  Many of us check the discussions for new comments all week.***