Saturday, September 12, 2009


The Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ Women’s Online Bible Study of I Peter will begin Thursday, September 17 and run through December 9. This study will use the same material designed for the Wednesday morning Ladies’ Class which meets at the building. A daily blog posting will be made where reading assignments and questions will be provided.

Online students are invited to attend the introductory Ladies’ Class at 10:00 a.m. in the parlor of the main building on Wednesday, September 16 for an overview of the study and to receive a study guide. Babysitting will be provided.

You are also encouraged to attend “live-and-in-person” Wednesday classes whenever possible since both the on-line and in-class students will be on the same schedule.

Getting Started:
To participate, you will need a study guide (no cost) which will be issued at the first Ladies’ Class and will be available in the library. Contact Megan Drennon at for instructions. You also have the option to download and print the necessary documents from your computer by clicking the link on the sidebar under the heading “Study Guide.”

Let’s Discuss:
We have found that online discussions are one of the most rewarding aspects of this type study. To post a comment, pose a question, or reply to another student’s comments/questions, click the link on the sidebar under the heading, “Let’s Discuss.” This will take you to the Brentwood Women’s Google Groups page where you will see ongoing discussion links posted.

Catching Up:
If you should miss a day and wish to access an earlier assignment look under the sidebar heading “Blog Archive” for a list of all previous posts. Click the title of the assignment you need and it will be opened for you.

Need Help?
Contact us via email at or