Monday, November 1, 2010

Session VII, Day 1

As we continue our study of the Lord’s Prayer, it is helpful to be reminded of the context from time to time.  Begin your study today by glancing at some of the lessons Jesus taught in His sermon that began in Matthew 5.  Now look at the immediate context of the prayer in chapter 6.  Jesus warns His disciples about hypocritical giving, praying, and fasting.  He also cautions them about babbling like pagans. 
We have probably all heard certain phrases repeatedly frequently in public prayers over the years.  We need to be on our guard against “babbling”(NIV) or the use of “meaningless repetitions” (NASB).  On the other hand,  even as we recite the familiar and beloved words of the Lord’s Prayer or other familiar prayer phrases - if our intent is to honor and obey our father - we will bring glory to His name.


Today we move beyond the first few lines of the prayer  (which addressed our Father, expressed honor for Him, and asked that His will be done) to the first request for us as God’s children:  give us today our daily bread.
1.  Read Exodus 16 and answer the following:
            a.   Why did the Israelites grumble against Moses and Aaron? (:1-3)
            b.   What was the Lord’s response (:4)? (Notice  His purpose, as stated in :4.)
            c.   What were the specific instructions for the gathering of the bread-like flakes (:16-19)?             d.   What happened when some did not obey the instructions (:20)?  However, when they     gathered enough on the 6th day for the Sabbath, it did not spoil (:22-24). 
            e.   What happened when the people tried to gather manna on the Sabbath (:27)?

2.  Read Exodus 16:6 &11 again.  What important lesson did the Lord want the Israelites to learn as He provided for their daily needs?

3.  What lessons are there for us as we pray give us today our daily bread

Lord, teach us to pray