Friday, November 12, 2010

Session VIII, Day 3

Today, we will be focusing more on our own sin.  We suggest that the joy that accompanies our acknowledgement, confession, and repentance of sins - and is followed by God’s forgiveness - brings a freedom and peace that are without comparison!  
On the other hand, we can acknowledge, confess, and repent of our sins, be forgiven by our Father…and continue to lug around a ton of guilt.  When we refuse to trust in and accept God’s promised forgiveness we rob ourselves of so many spiritual blessings.


1.  Read I John 1:5-10 – notice what John says about walking, purifying, deceiving, confessing, forgiving.

a.  Notice all the if statements in these verses and what they describe.
b.  What are the promises?
c.  What do these verses say about God/Christ Jesus?

2.  Read Hebrews 4:14, 7:25, 10:19-22 and consider the following questions:
a.  Do you think Jesus understands your difficulty in extending and/or accepting forgiveness?
b.  As forgiven children of God, how can we approach His throne?
c.  What occupies our Lord Jesus as He sits at God’s right hand?
d.  Note all the words in these passages which describe those of us who have had our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience…  Using these, or similar words, write a 1 or 2 sentence description of yourself.

A personal note from one of the authors:  You and I may have had similar experiences regarding confession and repentance of sins.  In my younger years, I kept the sins of my past locked away – some were too painful to think about.  AND, after all, they were sins that were no longer a problem!  I regularly prayed, Father forgive my sins – but seldom asked forgiveness for specific sins.  When I began praying more and seeking a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father, I began to be more aware of those old sins of days gone by.  I felt my Father was calling me to deal with them.
I believe there is a direct correlation between increased, mindful praying and God’s revelation of sin in our lives.
Now…the good part!  Without a doubt, the acknowledgement and confession of sins (no matter how long ago they occurred), and the acceptance of our Father’s forgiveness bring such blessing!  We may not even have been aware of the weight of our burden of guilt – but I am convinced it is something we lug it around until confession is made.

On the other hand, some of us may have asked for forgiveness umpteen times for the same offense of long ago.  Read I John 1:9 again…especially the part that says our God is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Sometimes our plea for forgiveness may not be accompanied with feelings of relief and/or forgiveness.  We need to remember that “forgiveness is a thing that takes place in the heart of God – not in our emotions.” (Tony Ash, Pray Always).

Holy Father, Lord God, we praise You for Your gift of forgiveness and eternal life.  We ask that You impress that great truth on each of our hearts and bless us with freedom from our burdensome guilt.
Lord Jesus, teach us to pray…and teach us to forgive.