Friday, November 5, 2010

Session VII, Day 3

Today we want to focus on the implications of the “us” and “our” of the petition, give us today our daily bread.


1.  Read Malachi 3:6-8.  How does God say a man can rob God

2.  Read Proverbs 14:31.  (I read somewhere that the author of Proverbs mentions “the poor” 37 times in 31 chapters.)

3.  What was the second commandment after the first, Love the Lord your God… (Matt. 22:39)?

4.  Read what Paul wrote about the way we are to love and care for each other in Gal. 6:2 and Phil. 2:4.

5.  After Paul reminds his readers that we are all members of one body in Eph. 4:25, he proceeds to tell them that one of the reasons for a person to work is so that he may have something to __________________________ (see Eph. 4:28).

After reading today’s scriptures, and relating them to the give US this day OUR daily bread petition, we realize that this petition is not “all about me.”   We are praying for the needs of others as well as ourselves. 

Although the petition is for bread, we know that our Father cares about all our physical needs.  As you conclude your time of study today, read Matthew 6:25-34.  It may be a good time to confess to our Father all the things you are worried about and ask Him for the grace to depend upon His promises to take care of all your needs. 

Lord, teach us to pray