As we continue our focus on the petition, give us today our daily bread, we should point out that scholars are uncertain of the meaning of the original word that has been translated daily in our English Bibles. Tony Ash, Pray Always, says that the Greek word translated “daily” in the Matthew 6 and Luke 11 prayers is not found elsewhere in scripture, or in any other Greek writing for several centuries before or after the time of the writing of the New Testament. Therefore the literal meaning of the original word has remained somewhat of a mystery. Three of the commentators we consulted, agreed that any of the following 3 interpretations of the original for “daily” are probably reliable:
- today and each day
- bread for the morrow
- one’s necessary bread
1. Read Deut. 8:1-19 and consider the questions that follow:
(This chapter records a sermon Moses delivered to the Israelites in the last month of his life – before Joshua led the people into the Promised Land.)
a. What does Moses say will be the result of following every command? (:1)
b. God led them in the desert for 40 years in order to __________ them and ________ them to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands. (:2)
c. They were humbled and fed manna - to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.(:3) What is the underlying principle God wanted them to understand here?
d. God also wanted them to learn another lesson and that was: Know then in your heart that as a man ______________ his son, so the Lord your God _____________ you. (:5)
e. What all did God provide during those 40 years? (:3-4)
f. Moses issues a warning in :11-14. What is it? How is this warning relevant for us today?
2. Moses knew the Israelites’ tendency toward pride and a self-sufficient nature (just as God knows our tendencies), and told them they may say to themselves, My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me. However, Moses reminds them, remember the Lord your God, for it is He who _________________ (:17-18)
As we conclude today’s study, it would be a good time to bow before the throne and express gratitude for the bread He has provided – just for today. You might want to go through a mental list of the physical blessings you have already enjoyed today.
Lord, teach us to pray