Thursday, October 28, 2010

Session VI, Day 3

 To pray Your kingdom come, Your will be done… is to pray a prayer of personal surrender and submission.  We may say the words, but are we being completely honest when we pray that way? 
If we cannot answer with an emphatic “yes” to this question (and I imagine that most of us cannot), does that mean we shouldn’t pray this prayer? 

By no means!

We must continue praying His will be done and remember that God understands us perfectly.  Our requests for His will and our personal affirmations of surrender/submission to Him are never completely honest.  But neither are they completely dishonest.  When we pray for God’s will to be done, perhaps God’s answer is to move us a bit closer to the ideal. (Discussion above adapted from Pray Always, Tony Ash).

In the time you’ve allotted for study today, we encourage you to spend in prayer.  We suggest you choose a place where you can be alone and, if you are able, get on your knees as you approach your Father.
If you wish to pray the Lord’s Prayer – pray it mindfully.  Pause after each line/petition and enjoy being in the presence of the One who created you in His image.

We pray that our Father will receive glory and that you will be blessed as you spend time before the throne today.

Lord, teach us to pray