Friday, October 1, 2010

Session II, Day 3

In Zondervan’s introduction to Luke (both NIV and NASB Study Bibles), eight themes are attributed to this gospel. One of the eight themes mentioned is an “emphasis on prayer, especially Jesus’ praying before important occasions.” Today we have selected a few scriptures from that gospel for you to consider.

Read the following passages from Luke and make a list in your notebook of key points that describe something about the prayer life of Jesus:
Luke 5:15-16
Luke 6:12 (notice also the activities of the days preceding and following this prayer)
Luke 22:31-32
Luke 22:39-46 (notice His posture, and descriptions of His emotional state)

Based upon those passages, consider the following:
1. It is difficult for us to “wrap our minds around” the truth that Jesus was both divine and human. With that in mind, do you think He mainly prayed in order to be an example for His disciples – or was prayer necessary for Him, personally, as He faced so many challenges?

2. Read about the temptation of Jesus in Luke 4:1-13. Do you think there was ever the possibility that Jesus could have succumbed to the temptations of the devil? Could this have been a possibility in Jesus’ own mind or do you think He knew up front He would never sin?

3. As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Lk. 22:39-45). Do you think He could have thrown up His hands and told the Father, “no way can I do this?” Do you think it may have been a fear of Jesus’ that He might not be able to follow through with the sacrifice of His life?

Consider these questions as you read this passage again and notice the agony described there. You may be moved to spend some time thanking Our Father for such a sacrifice!!

4. Read again from Luke 22:31-32 – Jesus tells Peter He prayed for him.

5. Please read the following and notice what these passages say about Jesus interceding for us:
Hebrews 7:25
Romans 8:34

Have you ever marveled at the thought that Jesus always lives to intercede for you?  Have you wondered if He might pray for you by name and about specific details in your life?

6. Using the Luke 22 passage as a guide, write a possible prayer Jesus might pray for you today. Be specific.

Lord, teach us to pray