Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Session III, Day 2

Today we continue with our overview of the Lord’s Prayer.


READ Matt. 6:9-13
Our Daily Bread
Some have suggested that the bread here may be spiritual bread, after all Jesus identified Himself as the bread of life in John 6.  Tony Ash, Pray Always, disagrees.  He reasons that the Lord’s Prayer is meant to include the entire scope of human needs.  In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus frequently deals with human needs – and often those needs relate to food. 
This petition for daily bread could be understood to cover all human needs; such as those related to safety, health, jobs, family relationships, etc.
1.  Read Luke 9:23-24.  What is similar in this passage and in Matt. 6:11?
2.  What is at least one of the lessons here?
3.  Read Matt. 6:25-34.  What message did you take away from that reading for yourself for today?

Forgive our Sins
3.  Although Jesus does not specifically say in His prayer that we ask for forgiveness daily – this would be a good thing.  Why?

As we Forgive
4.  On the other hand, what is the advantage of extending forgiveness daily? 
Fred Hartley (Lord, Teach us to Pray, pg 27) says this about daily forgiveness:  “This part of the (prayer) pattern helps us to pull the weeds of bitterness and resentment from the garden of our hearts every day – before they have the opportunity to grow into life-destroying bushes or trees.”

Lead us not into Temptation
5.  The last petition,  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one, has prompted many questions – especially in light of what scripture teaches about God tempting man (James1:13-15 is just one example).  

*Discussion Question*
(Please click the "Let's Discuss" link on the right to share your ideas on the discussion board and read the thoughts of the fellow studiers.  This discussion thread will be under the title "Temptation")

What are your thoughts on this last petition?

Today as you conclude your study, pray the Lord’s prayer and focus on your needs – especially in light of some of your daily needs (you might want to thank God for specific provisions).  Also consider what God’s forgiveness and the sacrifice of Jesus mean in your life.  It might be a good time to specifically name people whom you need to forgive in this prayer.  You may commit before God that you are forgiving them or you may need to ask for the love and courage you lack in extending forgiveness to them.