Read 6:10-14
1. Xerxes refers to Mordecai, the Jew …At this point, do you think Xerxes is aware that Haman’s edict called for the annihilation of all Jews in the empire?
2. After his “parade” through the city, humble Mordecai returned to the _____ ________. (Evidently Mordecai returned to doing what he did every day – whether that was recording figures in a ledger or guarding the palace gate.)
3. Why do you think chapter 6 has been called the “pivot point” in the story of Esther?
Read 7:1-5
Consider Esther’s response to Xerxes question, she chooses her words carefully and does not accuse Haman of any evil. She begins with how she will be impacted by the edict.
4. After Esther asks Xerxes to spare her life & the lives of her people, what does Xerxes demand to know?
Xerxes’ question indicates this is either the first he has heard of this plan or else he has forgotten about it.
Trivia Question: What surprising thing does Haman learn about Esther in this scene?