Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Session XIII Day 2

We last saw Esther making preparations to go to the king, even though she has some concern for her life.  Remember 4:16 "And if I perish, I perish."  Now we'll see how God works as Esther requests an audience with King Xerxes.


READ Esther 5:1-8
 1.  5:1  On the 3rd day (of the fast), Esther put on her  ___________ _________ and stood in the inner court of the palace in front of the king’s hall.

Historical Definition and Note
Midrash (Hebrew) means “to search and interpret.”  Midrash refers to a type of biblical interpretation found in ancient rabbinic literature such as the Talmuds or the “midrash collections.”   We might compare them to our modern-day Study Bibles and Bible commentaries.
A Jewish midrash on Esther 5:1 (re reference to the third day) reads, “Israel is never left in dire distress more than three days.”  They use the example of the miraculous deliverance of Isaac after a three-day journey to the mountain where Abraham was to sacrifice his only son … and then God intervened.  Another example was that of Jonah’s deliverance out of the whale’s belly after three days.
On the third day of the fast, Esther was granted life instead of death.  (notes taken from the NIV Application Commentary on Esther). 

READ Proverbs 21:1 
2.  Consider the application of this proverb to the scene in Esther 5:2-3.  What can we reasonably conclude is going on here?

 3.  5:4  Instead of voicing her request, Esther invited Xerxes to a banquet.  Our first reaction to her behavior might be, “she is getting cold feet.”
But what is otherwise indicated in :4?  ___________________________________

 4.  5:6-8  At the banquet, Xerxes repeated his question and earlier offer.  Instead of responding, Esther issued an invitation to a second banquet the following day … “If the king regards me with  _____________ and if it pleases the king to  ___________  my  _____________ and  ______________ my request.”

We will not understand the rationale behind the two banquets and Esther’s reluctance to make her request of Xerxes until we read chapter 6.  Then we will learn that God is working all things together for good for Esther and her people.