Friday, September 10, 2010


Lord, Teach us to Pray

“They sound like innocuous, almost harmless little words. Only five of them. But don’t be fooled. This might be the most dangerous little prayer you ever say to God. It has the potential to radically transform your life. Once you learn to pray, there is nothing that God wants you to have that you can’t receive from Him.” *(copied with permission from Lord, Teach us to Pray workbook)

With that promise in mind, we welcome you to the Brentwood Women’s Online Bible Study. We are thrilled that you have chosen to log in today, and hope you find your way back here in the coming weeks. I am so excited about our “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” study and the applicable wisdom we will all gain! By the year’s end we will be better equipped to go deeper into relationship and conversation with Our Father. I cannot think of a better blessing!


Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday scripture readings with brief comments and questions for you to consider will be posted on this site. These notes and questions will be taken from the material used in the Ladies’ Bible Class that meets on Wednesday mornings in the parlor at BOCC.  The first assignment will be posted on Monday, September 20th.

Let’s Discuss:

We will be utilizing our discussion board during this study to share our ideas and questions. To post a comment, pose a question, or reply to another student’s comments/questions, click the link on the sidebar under the heading, “Let’s Discuss.” This will take you to the Brentwood Women’s Google Groups page where you will see ongoing discussion links posted or where you can begin your own discussion.

Catching Up:
If you should miss a day and wish to access an earlier assignment look under the sidebar heading “Blog Archive” for a list of all previous posts. Click the title of the assignment you need and it will be opened for you.

Need Help?:
Contact us via email at,, or

* We wish to express our appreciation to NavPress for permission to use and adapt some of the questions from their workbook, Lord, Teach us to Pray, (2003 by Fred A. Hartley III) for this online study. (Permission granted by Cindy Caruso, Royalties, Rights & Permission @