Friday, September 24, 2010

Session I, Day 3

How did Wednesday's lesson go?   I hope you got an opportunity to post some of your insights on the discussion board.  It is such a valuable way to keep us "onliners" connected.  As a reminder, the disscussion board is not restricted to answering only questions posed by the moderators.  You are encouraged to use it to ask your own questions and bounce ideas off of eachother.   So don't be shy!  

Fred Hartley, author of the workbook, Lord, Teach us to Pray, says that his purpose in writing his book was to “lead you into an encounter with God and mentor you to enjoy a consistent, relevant, lifelong prayer life that is more lifestyle than legalism and more delight than duty.”
1. Currently would you describe your prayer life as one of duty or delight?

2. Read Psalm 16:11 and fill in the blanks: You have made known to me the _______ of _________; You will fill me with _______ in Your presence, with eternal __________ at Your right hand. ( NIV)

3. Had you ever considered that one of God’s purposes in calling you into His presence is to fill you with joy?

4. Before reading the Lord’s Prayer * in Matthew 6, let’s consider the context. Jesus begins the discourse traditionally referred to as the Sermon on the Mount in chapter 5. Work your way through that chapter and write down some of the issues Jesus addresses. Some believe that the point of that chapter (or perhaps of the whole sermon) is stated in 5:48. Write out that verse now.

5. What does the N.T. teach about perfection/holiness/blamelessness? You may want to refer to a concordance.

6. Now read Matthew 6:1-15

(* Most students of the Bible refer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17 as the High Priestly Prayer – or as the “real” Lord’s Prayer; and the prayer in Luke 11 and Matt. 6 as the Model Prayer or Disciples’ Prayer. However, since we are most familiar with the term, Lord’s Prayer, we will refer to it as such throughout this study.)

Lord, teach us to pray and
let the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)