Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Session XVI, Day 2

Can you believe that there are only 2 days remaining in our study of Esther?  As our conclusion looms near we find ourselves reading about events surrounding another conclusion.  This of course is the conclusion of  the oppression the Jews had experienced because of Haman's evil plot against them.

Enjoy your time in God's word today.  I will see you back on Friday to wrap things up!


READ 9:16-28
1.  Three times in chapter 9, the author specifically mentions the fact that the Jews took no __________.  (notice how Mordecai’s edict in 8:11 dealt with this matter).

Earlier in our study we read in I Sam. 15 that God had instructed Saul (through Samuel) to wipe out the Amalekite army and their herds.  Because of Saul’s disobedience in this matter – he lost his position as king over Israel.

Under Joshua’s leadership when the children of Israel engaged in battles as they took control of Canaan – they had strict orders from God to take nothing for their personal gain.  Any precious articles that were found were to be put into the Lord’s treasury.  Personal looting was not allowed – because the land and the bounty all belonged to God. 

Although the author of Esther does not point out the significance of leaving the plunder, do you think they were abiding by God’s past instructions?

 2.  :17 – 19  Why did the Jews who lived outside Susa celebrate on Adar 14th and the Jews in Susa celebrated on Adar 15th?

3.  :22  What was the reason given for the Jews’ new annual celebration?

A contemporary Jewish scholar writes this:  “The festival of Purim does not celebrate victory in battle … but the fact that they (Jews) gained relief from their enemies and that life was transformed for them from sadness to joy and mourning to a holiday.

4.   Notice the use of “rested” in :17 and “relief” in :22.  Now READ Deut. 25:19.  God promised that Israel would receive ______ when they __________ the Amalekites.

The themes of “sorrow into joy” and “promised rest” are themes that run all through the Bible.

5.  What was the celebration called and why?

6.  :22  Giving _________  and  __________to each other and to the poor was symbolic of God’s provisions for His people.  This tradition continues today among Jews as they celebrate Purim.  They give Purim Baskets to friends, family, associates, etc.