Sunday, May 2, 2010

Session XV, Day 1

Welcome back ladies.  Can you believe we are starting week 15 of our study of Ruth and Esther?   As the end of Esther comes nearer I urge you to stay steadfast in your Bible study and see this task that you have begun to the end.  That is exactly what we see Esther do as we read the passage for today.  The Jews in the Persian Empire are still in trouble.  Although the evil Haman is dead, his edict remains in effect.  We learned in chapter 1, that once a Persian/Mede law had been enacted, it could not be revoked (according to the author of Esther).  It is apparent from Xerxes’ display of favor toward Esther and Mordecai that they are exempt from the death decree that still looms over all other Jews. At this point, Xerxes is probably ready to move on to something else – like another banquet!!  However, Esther is far from ready to move on until her quest to save her people is complete.


READ Esther 8:1-8
In your notebooks, please answer the following questions...
  1. Chapter 8 begins with that same day What occurred earlier that same day?
  2. Xerxes rewarded Esther with ___  ________  __  ___________; and  gave Mordecai his __________  ________.  Esther, in turn, appointed Mordecai  head over  ___________  _________.
  3. As far as Xerxes was concerned, he probably believed he had been extremely generous with Esther and Mordecai; but from Esthers perspective, he had not provided what was really needed.  What are some of the key words in :5 that describe Esthers state of mind?
  4. How did the king respond to Esthers request that another order be written to overrule Hamans decree? 
  5. Is Xerxes attitude similar to the manner in which he has approached every issue in our story so far?  In what way?