Friday, February 5, 2010

Session III, Day 3

Today is a day for personal reflection.  Grab your Bible, notebook, and pen. Find a quiet spot to still your mind and work through the following questions.  I then encourage you to get on the discussion board and share some of what you have learned under the heading "Goals."

In Ruth 1, we got a snap shot of how Naomi handled and interpreted her suffering.  We know that God has not promised that our lives would be free of suffering. It also doesn’t appear that God’s goal is to keep us happy or to make our dreams come true.

1. What would you say ARE some of His goals for us?

What did Peter say in I Peter 1:15 regarding what God has called us to be?

What does Jesus say about rest in Matt. 11:28-30?
Comment on your understanding of the rest Jesus promised.

2. What does 2 Cor. 4:16-18 say to us …
About our physical state?
About our spiritual state?
About our focus?