Friday, January 22, 2010

Session I Day 3

We’ve now set the scene for our study of Ruth, and next week we will begin our chapter by chapter study of the narrative.  Today we are going to take some time to explore an important overarching theme of the story.

1.        Read all 4 chapters of Ruth again in one sitting.  As you read, mark (or make a note in your journal/notebook) of every reference to redeem, kinsman, & kinsman-redeemer.
2.       What did you learn from your reading about the process of redeeming a close relative? (It might be helpful to refer to scriptures that are suggested in your Bible cross-references.)
3.       Read Deut. 25:5-10.  What appears to be the main purpose of a man marrying his brother’s widow?  What else did you learn about this practice?