Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Session IV, Day 2

As Valentines Day approaches many of us begin to think of how we can show those we love just how much we care.  When I think of this tradition in the context of Ruth and Naomi's time showing love came in much more practical and life sustaining ways than flowers or a box of chocolates.  We will read on in the next few weeks about the provision Boaz showed Ruth and Naomi by redeeming them.  What a exceptional way to show he cared!

Without looking back to yesterday's post, see if you can fill in the blanks to the following questions...
1)  redeem ____________  once owned by an impoverished relative.

2)  redeem impoverished relatives who had been forced to sell themselves           into_________________ .
3)  avenge the _____________ of a relative.
4)  act as the recipient of restitution paid for a __________ committed against a _________________ relative.
5)  assist relative in a  __________________ so that justice would be served.
6)  redeem a ______________ facing old age alone without anyone to care for her.

Let's Discuss!
Do we have any New Testament instruction similar to the kinsman-redeemer tradition in the Old Testament?  Why do you think this is was so important?  Is it still important today?